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Mei Teal and black chantilly lace
Mei Lilac and purple chantilly lace
Oyinkan Luxury White silver and gold sequins on chantilly lace fabric
Luxury Yettie in Pink Chantilly and Sequinned lace fabric
Oyinkan Luxury Peach Perfect sequins on chantilly Lace fabric
Made Peach Pink charming velvet flocking on double net and chantilly
Bolatito Luxury white chantilly and silver sequins lace
Bolatito luxury Blue sequins on chantilly lace fabric
Bolatito luxury gold and beige sequins on chantilly lace fabric
Bisayo luxury Pink and Black Big border sequinned chantilly lace fabric
Bolatito Luxury Blush Pink Chantilly sequinned lace
Bisayo luxury Orange and Black Big border sequinned chantilly lace fabric
Bisayo luxury yellow and Black Big border sequinned chantilly lace fabric
Bolatito luxury Orange and black sequins on chantilly lace fabric
Kikelomo classy blue iridescent sequins on chantilly lace fabric
Gloria Cobalt blue embroidered and sequinned Chantilly lace
Gloria Purple embroidered and sequinned Chantilly lace
Gloria Olive green embroidered and sequinned Chantilly lace
Kikelomo Classy yellow and gold sequinned chantilly lace fabric
Kikelomo classy purple and green iridescent sequins on chantilly lace fabric